For each purchase you make, you can request a return on, by entering your personal area and clicking on "My Orders". Select the order you wish to return and click on “Return”. You will be shown a page in which you can define the products you want to return and confirm the procedure. Remember that you have 30 working days to carry out this operation, starting from the date on which you received your parcel.
Following your request for a return, you will be sent an email which confirms that the procedure has been launched.
As soon as we receive your parcel, we will check that your return has been activated correctly, that less than 30 working days have lapsed since delivery and that the goods conform to those declared. Should these be no issues, we will arrange to reimburse the amount according to the payment method used.
Products purchased as a gift can only be returned by the person who actually made the purchase. This person must enter their personal area and click on the button “My Orders".
The cost for the product’s delivery to our warehouse, either through courier or mail, will be entirely at the customer’s expense.
Goods purchased and returned online may not be exchanged, but the amount spent can be reimbursed via the same payment method used for the purchase.
Customer’s right to return any item shall be deemed exercised in the proper way subject to compliance with the following:
• returned items must not have been used, worn or damaged;
• items must be returned in their original packaging, with any related accessories or instructions booklets, together with the duly completed return voucher;
Items have to be sent back to Alice Optical, via A. Moro 21 - 95029 Viagrande (CT)– ITALY.
As a consequence of returning items, the sale contract will be deemed as effectively cancelled and all related obligations, rights or claims shall be equally deemed as cancelled, provided however that if items returned to Alice Optical are damaged in any way, Alice Optical shall be entitled to retain the payment of the items already done by Customer.
Upon receipt of the returned item, AliceEyes shall check compliance with the procedure stated above and fulfillment of all relevant conditions. As soon as Alice Optical is able to confirm that all such conditions have been met, Alice Optical shall send to Customer an e-mail message confirming the acceptance of the returned item, sending to relevant Credit Institute or Paypal Account, within and no later than fourteen (14) days from receipt of the goods, confirmation to proceed to refund. Timings related to refund on each customer account depend on relevant Credit Institute or Paypal account, only, and are in no way under our control.
Refund of the item’s price shall always be done to the Customer who made the payment, only.
Should the above mentioned conditions not be met, Customer shall not be entitled to any refund for the price paid to Alice Optical; nevertheless, Customer shall have the right, at its risk, costs and expenses, to have the item delivered back to him/her, provided that if Customer does not ask for having the item back, Alice Optical shall be entitled to keep such item and withhold any amount connected to the transaction.